Feeding the Poor

Posted on March 27, 2021


Dear Friend in WP

The Lord is good to us despite the bad situation and I believe the same with you too. I honor you and appreciate you for all your prayer for me and the people we serve together. We had a good time with an untouchable people group. We played together with them, shared the gospel and told them that we all are the same and God loves all very dearly.

Feeding the Poor

Children, especially the young ones, loved playing soccer and we used it to reach to them and share the gospel. Giving food was another best part of the event and I want to thank you for your help. All glory to God.
I have been using all levels of soccer as a ministry tool to reach the unreached for Jesus. Please continue to pray and support as we reach the lost for Jesus.

Musahar Feeding Video

Children were there for the feeding. Older people, disable, blind and mostly malnutrition Children were there. They loved us being there and wanted to talk and play. It was good I brought a soccer Ball there and played with them. Musahar are outcast and untouchable in society, but Jesus loves them all and we love them too.

Feeding elderly

These same people have requested for a Mosquito net which can save them from Malaria. There are 120 homes and one net cost US7$. So any amount could be a blessing to these poor families.

Here is a PayPal QR code scanning address for online giving, or use email: churchnepal19@gmail.com. May the Lord bless you

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